Album cover exercise

Here are the re-design for Daniela Spalla’s cover (single “Costa Rica”). If you want to know how did I end up doing this particular design, please, read my blog post: “Stretching my design muscles”

Cover of Daniela Spalla, it shows a sunset in Costa Rica.
Original Cover

I learned to do basic illustrations with Inkscape and gimp back when I switched my Operative System to Fedora Linux like 12 years ago. This week, I tried to use photoshop but it was a total failure. So, I came back to Inkscape <3

Nevertheless, let me be clear, it was not easy at all. Everything is just made with my mouse, I do not have a Wacom or Genius tablet at the moment and I noticed that all the cool kids are using an iPad Pro with Procreate (which is difficult for me to afford right now).

The design task is inspired by one of the projects in this course Curso de Introducción al Diseño, part of this career path Diseño de Interfaces (UI) in Platzi (An online learning platform targeting Latin American Students).

Again all the odds, (and even skipping an easy way out with only photographs and Gimp), here is the final result!

My Album cover, includes Daniella Spalla in the middle, a palm to the left side, a seagull on the right side.

Please, feel free to write me back, any feedback is appreciated.